Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Recommended Gynae In Mumbai

No call for immediate withdrawal party

has once again defended a party member of the Pirate Party his resignation public.

Before now, the resignation and exit wave is really hard .... (Imho it is bad enough)

Felix, the reasons that you are anführst for me with the important policy issues.

Also, I've been thinking about leaving - but not about retirement. My exit statement is formulated for a long time.

Right now I'm still hoping that the party is back on track. As economical Schwabe I have set myself a deadline of at least the end of the year is already paid for.

course, the activities can be in the party, especially during the last several weeks and the news of emerging threats worst room for speculation about the events in the party. The thesis that the party of radicals and extremists hijacked imho is not unreasonable.

I myself have not received any threat, but it was only a request not to do anything specific to me again approached with. I should not interpret this request explicitly as a threat.

The words of the aforementioned Pirates of you speak volumes. I already had several opportunities to communicate with him. My picture and my impressions about the procedure for introducing LQFB has confirmed and consolidated. On the human component and the social skills I'm just appalled. However, I hope the uneasy nothing.

A resignation is nothing really bad. It is a democratic act A vote with their feet. It is an act true grassroots democracy. Something for which the Pirates last year made it even really strong. Anyone who is outraged over a withdrawal from the Pirate Party, wants to keep this first and then think again, why he himself is not in another party member.
In general, we find ideological discrepancies.

The interests of the members of the Pirate Party have apparently changed greatly since last year. Thesis: A significant part of the new members understand the core issues of the party otherwise than in the party program is, or than what was originally intended.

I have tried in recent days and weeks again and again make this clear in my posts on the mailing lists, by showing conflicts between the current action and the party said during the election. As above, here already.

disclosed this latest action by the party of course, ideological discrepancies in members who stand for the original objectives.

A resignation is a decision which may be revised at any time. So really nothing at all bad.

Before now many follow the call of Felix and escape directly and immediately, maybe an idea as a compromise:

Sends a notice of resignation to your Board with copy to the national board.
Terminated the outlet pass on the fruitless 3rd Reminder to the membership fee 2011th

Tells the boards that you will like to re-member when the party is committed back to the original objectives.

If you like, make the wiki on a page and must sign a declaration in addition there virtually. - You can also right there, arrange a new party set up .. Last year during the election campaign I was even asked, what happens when the pirates then betray their ideals. I thought we found just the pirates party ... The name change is obviously stupid marketing point.

Otherwise, if it is "only" the liquid is and you since the other hand, it just tries to ignore - even realize I to myself that that is difficult. In NDS is on the active participation LQFB about 2% of party members. They are about 10% to 20% of the people who come to party conferences. The relevance is not outstanding. It is outstanding, once the "enemy" are gone. There

for applications to the party conference in Chemnitz is also a classic application factory (which also has many shortcomings - opinion before I consider absolutely wrong - to exchange views to be absolutely necessary, a list of pros and cons as well). Prepare in advance before: Very important when you come! So that you know what their vote.

What me about a paradigm shift it is striking just been written into the blue ..:

idea of pirates: the transparency of policy decisions - not a transparent citizen
pirates today: call the glass politician and demand that every citizen, heavily involved politically politician is. The keyword: pirate party Stasi = 3.0 makes the rounds already.

idea of pirates: Politics do with competence.
pirates today: a system is brought into use that was developed in an ad hoc basis without the effects and conditions previously estimated. - In classic project management was deliberately omitted. A rapid Exchange of the development team was thus impossible. Important concerns such as data protection, the project achieved only after the completion of version 1.0. .... And much more. An impact assessment or other project documentation such as requirements analysis, legal opinions, specifications, UML diagrams do not exist. The thing is a pure hack.

idea of pirates: rule of law and strengthen the Basic Law.
pirates today: The policy manager provides a grease cup at a time on yourself and jump into it. (Justification of threats against plaintiff, it is not constitutionally justified requests prior to the court for leaks, publication of results from previous decision their decision ...)
pirates today: Pirates with a different opinion are threatened with violence.

idea of Pirates: curb lobbying
pirates today are extremely populist themes launched and factually incorrect (eg LQFB on BPT)

idea of Pirates: Pirates
data economy today, we not only collect sensitive personal data, but make it public immediately.

idea of pirates: No voting machines, but Feie, secret, now by any comprehensible elections
Pirates: One is treading a road map that at the end of all political decisions determined electronically, and have found no system-related requirements, the pirates meet in elections, can.

The change went from a party that warned because of their technical competence against abuse of this same technology to a party that wants to do because of their technical expertise, what is technical.
The party has spent time as a humanist party. Of expertise in humanism, but I can not see much at the moment.

me, it has long been impossible to recruit for the party. Formerly active pirates have taken all the way back, have disappeared from the scene.

An observer