Sunday, November 14, 2010

Javacreate License For Application

human rights activists chain themselves firmly in the ARGEN

A m the evening of have 7:11:10 to human rights activists in every German state capitals to the heating of ARGEN chained and are in a hunger strike. is your demands:




were the activists of protesters who stood in front of tens of thousands to the doors of employment offices and prevented an eviction by the police forces. Live performances were the famous director XY, YZ and director to film with their camera crews to meetings. The renowned and with several literary awards doped author Gunther blade of grass was also present. He sharply criticized the economic policies of the ruling party ...

Sorry dear readers, this was unfortunately a duck. It seems too few people interested in this country that people starve or burn in their homes or have been in children the foundation for lasting damage be set - and that just because they have no money.

With all due respect to the environmental movement, but I have not heard of it, as has been imagined as the charges on Green electricity to be paid if the money many people already not enough for life. It is of course very honorable to think of future generations, but unfortunately there is in this generation, unfortunately, very many people who have led a very unworthy and deprives life so , German elites can profit from your export.

When it comes to polar bears, you can save for sheer activists any more. When it comes to people who are very concrete here and now, and in this country to starve and freeze to death because they simply lack the money to survive, which is most seem to care ....


Saturday, November 13, 2010

Title For My 21st Birthday Party

leaflet - Germany, the export world-Monster

Inspieriert of an interesting video I've considered a leaflet that I will distribute in the next few days in different mailboxes. Many people are still completely wrong information, and are covered in cheap opinion makers, such as the proven highly corrupt Mr. Sarrazin start. Our blogs are probably already read only by those who already know reasonably know, the rest is around watching TV, reading FRAME or burps blurred anything from 'conspiracy theory', therefore. As the prophet, as it looks, unfortunately, does not want to come to the mountain, now has one of the mountain to Mohammed. There simply have more people to be informed, especially about the economic ramifications of the ongoing economic insanity for decades, the worse from day to day. Because with so few people who are easy to get information beyond the popular media, many will wake up only when the surveillance dictatorship is imported aid of polizelicher help also from other countries and RFID tracking of all citizens - and this is then be too late.

Everyone can consider a flyer and print at least a few leaves and throw somewhere in the mail box. Because I know you can not download my flyer, I do not know how to achieve it. If necessary, you can also simply write off what can not be like so altered as desired. My text reads as follows:

Germany - drowned out the export world-Monster

Since the days of former Chancellor Schröder is right across the media and television Forest:
Germany is the world champion! And while
We have to tighten our belts!
Question: How does that work?? - Answer: Not at all!

There is nothing wrong with
dagegeben when a country exports a lot, but it has to import it, as much if it does not hurt its own domestic economy and the economies of other countries will. The trade balance of a country must be balanced.

Germany exports more goods than it imports, however, and this has the consequence that

  1. more capital flows into the country, out to the country. And indeed, from 1998 to 2009 the financial assets of Germans, on average (net of debt!) Increased by about a third. If you have noticed it until now nothing, it is because of the unequal distribution of wealth in the economy in Germany. 10% of the population own about 2 / 3 of total assets, twice as much as the other 90 percent. These 10% are the ones to whom the money flowing into domestic assets have come in its most recent 10 years of benefit. In addition, they also benefit from redistribution within the German economic area itself because during the low-wage sector is increasingly larger, social spending was cut and suffered pensioners a pay freeze after another, profit above all recipients of so-called 'power-free income' = Great Shareholders of the privatization of state enterprises and falling wages in our domestic economy. It is these same individuals exempted from more and more taxes and fees are missing, but money - as it is not spent, but speculation is - in the economic cycle.

  2. the inflow of money from abroad into our economy also means that in the other countries are less and less money and therefore they can not sell their goods: within the countries themselves lack the money, and the German workers can not offset the outflow of capital - for example by buying goods from abroad - because their incomes are too low. And in international markets makes Germany the other countries with its combination of high mechanization and poverty wages competition. Thus the German government is driving on behalf of its export business by Hartz IV and his repression of the workers here live in poverty and the other countries of the euro zone in the bankruptcy. First came Greece, are soon to Spain and Ireland. It will 'rescue package' put together. With these bailouts, the German taxpayer is then liable for the expected profits of the creditors, who are often not sufficiently established in Greece, but in London or New York. Greek workers themselves are not able to pay the debt because the money does not benefit them, and without money or produced trade can be carried. Such 'rescue packages' are the a priori failure doomed!

traps so do not come to the primitive views mongering à la Mr. Sarrazin (or even worse individuals from the past), which only serve to incite certain segments of the population against each other! Turn the TV off, and inform you prefer, for example, the following websites:,,

Saturday, November 6, 2010

Probate Inventory Wisconsin

Do we need a doctor's prescription for peppermint tea soon?

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Wax Powder For Star Trac Treadmills

Obama's time is up - everything goes to plan .. Thilo Sarrazin

like no one before him, Obama split since its emergence as presidential candidate Two years ago the public opinion. With undefined terms such as 'Hope', 'Change', yes we can and energetic, financial support from Wall Street banks such as Goldman Sachs was the first time in U.S. history a black man jump into the White House.

This all sounded quite promising for many, but before his final victory, raised warning voices such as Webster Griffin Tarpleys. Obama, he said, awakening in the people false hopes and divisive society. Both Hillary Clinton and John McCain are still better alternatives than just Barrak Obama, possessed but both because of their long career in politics, at least over its own networks, but Obama is a complete puppet of the Wall Street banks, they built up and thus completely dependent on them.

Tarpley also said that time forward know that Obama would not survive his term politically likely, he would certainly raise many hopes, however, was destined to disappoint them all and make very unpopular measures. So it is now. The whole Obamania was so one can say that a bust ...

Even the election campaigns aroused in some people and this as well as across the Atlantic unpleasant associations , small children were used for election campaigns. Besides the financial help of Wall Street, of course, Obama had the support of many ordinary people who actually hoped it would now all be better soon.

But apparently Obama could not fulfill the expectations aroused by it. The U.S. troops, he went first not from the occupied countries, but it still increased the contingent. He got it yet awarded a Nobel Peace Prize was surprised, probably only those who believe, despite all contrary evidence yet that we live in a democracy and everything would be above board. Meanwhile, Obama should have been withdrawn some troops that private mercenary armies paid for by U.S. taxpayers are also going to home, at least I think not. To the lucrative business of death and to great effect, firms like Blackwater to U.S. policy.

is very controversial Obama's innovation with respect to the statutory health insurance funds. Everyone and every woman in the United States must now be insured by law. Sounds pretty good, too first, but there are also many criticisms. The insurance contributions are probably quite high. Moreover, it should be called 'Death panels' - ie older people, for example, to medical medications need to appear for regular dialogue and it is rumored that there should be pressure exerted on them, so they supposedly for the benefit of all but please give pretty soon the spoon. Primary care physicians, who had previously formed networks to provide patients with thin wallets may partly free, now no one who is not insured by law treat.

What improvements has brought these compulsory insurance? It is now the same system as ours - a pure self-service store for the pharmaceutical industry. Citizens are deprived of their money, they are disenfranchised. And if they then health reasons, need something designed that is not a lobby, and what is paid. Psychotropic medications are both this way as well as across the Atlantic a very popular product which is prescribed apparently without problems. Why?

If everything about a plan to dumb down the population and reduce violence further? Is it really in such thoughts are wild 'conspiracy', given the fact that Obama has created new Advisory bodies, called Csar, and as so-called 'Science Czar' Obama has been right nice a certain John Holdren used together decades ago with Mr. and Mrs. Ehrlich a book called 'Ecoscience' posted by proposing frankly, the population figures must be planted under the skin by the state using coercive measures such as sterilizing agents in drinking water or contraception to young girls and only after proper application and examination may be removed by the authorities to regulate?

The time Obama seems to have expired - he will have to go as it seems, as Tarpley suspects had been planned from the beginning. not the newspapers, it will be, will bring him down - the decisions are probably already taken, the media only play its role by claiming now that Obama is the people because of its policy decisions so unpopular that he can not long be able to keep. That may be so, or not - ultimately it does not matter. For the dice have fallen years ago ...

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