Sunday, October 31, 2010

Travesti Indianapolis

- a folk hero?

Sarrazin settles, it said in a descriptive title of the article MMnews. Because of the unprecedented campaign from the tips of the federal government, he now had his office at the Bundesbank lost. God's the pity. As we were indeed in recent weeks, it will cost but, unlike other workers, not a penny of his salary and his pension he is fully maintained.

After it was shown in part already, that Sarrazin his life transfer money receiver was the state should perhaps be made that he has his employer, ie the state of Berlin, charged with at least two corruption cases. In the first case, he leased an area of the city into an exclusive golf club dirt cheap for a period of 99 years. Earlier reports said to have classified the land more valuable - unfortunately does not get you, what now 'more valuable' meant, and how much money has gone just lost the city of Berlin, which later had to be saved then in the formation, at swimming pools and other public facilities ...

The President of this club, one with an annual membership fee of 3250 € is not as charitable, Roland Specker is an avid supporter of the SPD. In itself, this is gratifying that the golfer elites Berlin's well-being of workers in capital as at heart, but the money spent on funding the SPD, have apparently paid off ....

for it can save unlimited Weden to Hartz IV recipients who may not sit shivering in her apartment so that Berlin can not afford a Tempodrom - even in this matter was Sarrazin indictment charged. Some 10 million € are the state of Berlin have been lost by this scandal. Does not matter where education can save you money so again. Sarrazin's austerity measures have caused a chronic shortage of staff in schools and kindergartens. It probably does not require much intelligence to figure out who among these measures would have suffered the most - children from disadvantaged backgrounds and children from immigrant families, who lack both money and own education at the Deficits in school education back in balance.

And what heroic deeds, Mr. Sarrazin otherwise have done, created what values? What we do stop to his resume.

Since Sarrazin grew up the son of a physician, had his parents will no difficulties to help him in school, or to pay on demand tutoring, as it is the educated middle class very common. He then studied - at that time for nothing and without a penny of tuition fees for the services rendered by the state to pay to make based on this debt had, by the present generation in the form of reductions in training and will have to pay other benefits. As a research assistant at the Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung, he joined the SPD in the 70's.

He then worked in the federal public service, first as an officer for finance. In this role, he spent four years working for the IMF in Washington. Then he 'worked' for various ministries. He prepared while working in Refererat for Inner-German relations from 1989 Monetary Economics and Social Union, which bring the former East German citizens after the 'blossoming landscapes' in eastern Germany should. From 1990 to 1991 he worked for the Trust Agency. We still remember the dark Trust - chasing the next time a scandal, former East German companies and banks were almost given away, and the little money you took disappeared also considerable sum.

from 2002, Sarrazin was known to be responsible as finance minister for the state of Berlin, and in that capacity he made in the case of two corruption scandals talked about. That is probably more likely the tip of the iceberg. During this period he was also in the rest of Germany by incredibly intelligent suggestions such as 'sweater instead of heating' and similar controversy known.

be whole, therefore, stand not quite sure what the hate preachers Germany Sarazin, then, actually pays the training and remuneration - for a warm winter sweater plus heating should those rich in any case always. He and the other people judged primarily on their economic utilization - how far Germany has, then, really benefits from it? In his position at the IMF, he could not contribute to the exploitation of the world would be prevented by means of our global financial system. I admit that would be too much to ask of someone like him, except the primitive rhetoric does not seem much to have it. Also provides probably the IMF already own to ensure that only those with the right curvature of the spine are included in his illustrious circles. But in his role with the Economic Monetary and Social Union and the Trust is not much in this country seems to have benefited from it. It would be interesting to know sometimes what exactly has he actually done since then - it is for all of us who live here, jumped out, not much.

Who benefits from Sarrazin's life and work, one can imagine, if one looks at his resume - he was always active in groups that work precisely nothing themselves, but rather to manage the fruits of the work of other and in which (for whomever) derive appropriate channels. After all, yet he seems to be quite successful, but he rose within these functions into ever higher realms of the financial world. Only those who like anything added, that is just us, the ordinary citizens of the country, the average Joe consumer who are forced, thanks to the policy Sarrazin and his like, forever lousy hourly wages to work if we do not like it from the system may fall out and leave us abuse that the state and its employees that we pay are loathe the economic situation in Germany improved. It does not really care for the intelligentsia of this country, if you just want someone like Sarrazin now highly stylized as a kind of hero.

Whether Sarrazin and his criticism of Turks, Arabs and other immigrants in the eyes of some people is right or not - even with regard to its activities and its 'success', it should be for everyone yet somewhat independent-thinking people, ban of themselves, people like to support him, either by his arguments in favor of the lower intelligence of Turks and Arabs, it was the criticism of the alleged lack of integration will. Rather, one should ask: Who is he related? Who profits from its foreign propaganda? What he wants to divert if possible?

should jump a really striking that he basically only the old 'divide and rule' tactics to apply - during the future wealth of the country before he can ever be achieved , now out of the window thrown is by a few private banks totally unnecessary 500-billion euro donated bailouts do of course you all, so that the fights of reductions and savings affected population to the last crumb, and it was not unaware of how private in a big way moneylenders are subsidized, while the Workers take more and more ways to get some form of both money and create value, the empty variable 'money' at all to comply with a content.

Sarrazin splits not only between Christians and Muslims, between Germans and foreigners, between Hartz IV recipients and not-workers. It drives a wedge between various additional groups of aliens, then another between Christians, Muslims and Jews, allegedly by up to 15 percent should be smarter than Turks, and German. It is simply unbelievable that he is for or hailed by so many people - and with even its history ...

And to be quite the way - in one he has perhaps even right: Islam was actually measured in the last thousand years, not involved in the cultural development of Germany. I must honestly say that I was this statement that I could see the headline of a renowned South German daily newspaper, also deeply puzzled. But with all of our Hallelulah Christian West should be, if you argue constantly been so racist must not forget that Christianity is by no means a Western religion. Before Christianity came to Germany by the Romans, there were only pagans - we take time out to talk about whether the spread of Christianity was enough really for the good of mankind, and the West.

Rather, both are Christianity, Islam and Judaism from the Middle East! Christianity is an oriental religion! The only times in passing. And: If one assumes that it has Jesus really existed, this Jew, and was chosen as king of the Jews, and we expect continued to believe that the Jews is one of many Semitic, that Arab tribes in the Arabian peninsula were, you have it logically conclude that Jesus Christ was an Arab. At least as far as I wanted to the intelligence quotient of Arabs observe, without worrying that the Arab culture in the Middle Ages in relation to the sciences of the West was far ahead. One last reminder - but so far we are with education and intelligence already behind the times that no one knows - our acquisition of the Arabic numbers, which we replaced the based on a complicated points system Roman number system.
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Thursday, October 28, 2010

Encouraging Words In French For Haiti

Bankenrun in France?

The French want the 7th December all the money from private banks withdraw - is the source of that message did not specify in the article - the message comes from a French daily newspaper, a French television show, from any insider sources, or from where?

An interesting idea is in any case. For what are the banks without the money of their depositors? As for the award of credit (the creation of new money literally out of nothing), deposits are necessary, the banks are probably no new lending more. Without new loans, because of the double-entry bookkeeping, deposits shrink even further and push the banks into bankruptcy. But the collapse came before - probably, banks will have to close their doors during this campaign, because they have so much cash do not - we know that the money that one has on his savings or other account exists not to big parts. Really wanted all depositors withdraw their money at once, the bank has to close its doors because it does not have much money. Suffice it actually has, if representations are too many customers - because a bank has in fact only a fraction of the money it credited to its customers on the account. In times like these, the whole fraud of our financial system is revealed.
The action could make waves in Europe, where now stand out in other European countries, the citizens of their money from private banks.

We here in Germany, according Wilhelm Hankel, a three-pillar model - consisting of private banks, public Banks and cooperative banks. According to Mr. Hankel was the 500-billion rescue package that we are now in the payable interest on the loans in a rapid increase brought the debt, which will grow explosively in the coming years (according to the exponential growth equation, the 500 billion already on a very high level has begun) completely unnecessary, as the savings banks and cooperative banks as well as the many thousands of smaller banks from the private sector, our economy is very easy with the necessary money could provide - even without the banking giant Hypo Real Estate, Commerzbank etc. It would be quite a good idea if private bank customers their money from the 'rescued transferring banks' at least in some of the other bank would.

has, however, a private bank not only money of small private investors, but also large amounts of money from very wealthy private clients - but needs to pay it this very high interest rates and it remains to be seen whether a private bank can do it, this returns apply, without the money of their other small investors who actually - if holding a job - still working for their money (or have worked), and either on their current account the bank completely free of interest or a savings account with savings rates that are far below the actual inflation are, for Rental provides.

Whether the action be the trigger for the collapse of the global financial system in France can be an interesting question whose answer I do not trust me. I assume that the French government will put together some bank rescue package to secure the shareholders of the banks and the depositors with the major asset their returns.
World trade is also still more in dollar terms, so that the world population will be forced to the purchase of dollars it needs for international trade in goods, continue to mitzubezahlen the American inflation. And last but not least there are the international tax havens like the Cayman Islands or Switzerland, where big money investors can invest their hard-earned assets from other completely tax free. According to Michel Chossudovsky estimated "... the IMF the assets of groups and individuals in tax havens to an estimated 5.5 trillion dollars, a sum that amounts to 25 percent of total world income ..." (from 1996)

big winner could therefore ultimately exempt havens like the Cayman Islands or countries like Switzerland should be, the huge money to invest their money as part of a Europe-wide banking panic there . Transfer Would her world economy could be driven by the supply of money from these tax-free havens like?

All this is still in the stars. In any case, however, shows the action of the French, that many people there have already thought about the financial system and recognized as the cause of our present problems. It is hoped that this knowledge spread more and more about Europe and all over the world.

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Monday, October 25, 2010

4 Port Usb Pci Drivers

Climate Change - A New Religion

It sounds simple and hears not - always get I e-mail from environmental organizations, in which I am asked to ask politicians to write the climate change in the law. In this case all the facts speak against global warming. On the contrary, in recent years, it was getting colder. Therefore, one has probably changed the terms and now speaks of 'climate change'. Climate change is normal and there is no evidence that we as humans can influence the climate in general.

scapegoat for change is the so-called greenhouse gas CO2. It will be responsible for it is getting warmer on Earth. Here, the greenhouse gases from the earth is more than 90% water vapor. This water vapor forms over the oceans when the water evaporates here. The CO2 content of the atmosphere to greenhouse gases is negligible - it is about 4%. And of this only a fraction of people is caused. There are currently living on the earth about 6 billion people, all of which produce in one or the other way, CO2, while they are still alive - for all men (and, incidentally, all animals) breathe CO2. In order to achieve a change that at all can still read in numbers, would be a lot of people pulling out of the life cycle.

carbon dioxide is something very terrible, the media claim in a tour. They speak of Carbon, they usually show us the picture of an exhaust gas, a coal power plant or a nuclear reactor. Carbon dioxide sounds so nice for coal, and coal sounds again after pollution. However, carbon dioxide is a colorless gas that is used by plants for photosynthesis. It has to do only secondarily with exhaust gases and harmful, it is not - in fact, CO2 is a natural fertilizer for plants and is therefore introduced in greenhouses . We also live in a time not of an excessive presence of CO2. On the contrary, according to Dr. Tim Ball, we are in terms of the CO2 level, even at a low point. There were of human history has much higher values - even though the population at that time was much lower and there also was no industrialization. The high rates have not hurt the earth - on the contrary.

Landfried Professor of the University of Heidelberg says in the context of scientific research 'post-normal science'. The science is not to acquire knowledge and make connections that could benefit from their knowledge to benefit mankind. Rather, the fear of humanity to be made because the target is certain: The complete de-industrialization of our society. And because you the humanity not simply be put to eliminate himself, has to serve just the science and devils come out to conjure up any statistics, they were established according to scientific standards or not. It's like a religion, it is easy to believe and think who can not because all the facts to the contrary, is a kind of heretic, or even be thrown with Holocaust deniers in a pot by calling him a climate-deniers.

Probably one imagines that humanity will soon live in tin huts, not eat, and best not to breathe - so all generated CO2. Do we really such a society?

We might not, but the billionaires of this world to do anyway - Al Gore, Maurice Strong, Bill Gates, etc. But not for himself - she probably live in big houses with swimming pool in the basement. No, for us they do such a society. Do not worry about the earth drives them to - the 'elites' of this world have always been obsessed with the idea that the earth is overpopulated. This can be in Thomas Malthus, and read at Julian and Aldous Huxley, who, in his non-fiction 'reunion with the brave new world' writes clearly, if the human race continues to introduce so increased, we would have a dictatorship.

reason for this is that the resources of this planet are too short. We were shown pictures of populous cities, such as in India, thus creating the impression that India is already over-populated entirely. Large tracts of India are inhabited by people. According Alan Watt there are huge areas of untouched nature in India. The same scenario we've probably also in China. Moreover, one could slow the population growth very easily if we were to allow those countries to develop more industrial. But this is exactly what not to. On the contrary, the whole planet will be de-industrialized.

But why all this, why are our elites so obsessed with the idea that the population could grow too much? Is it not rather the fact that the richer members of elite families, who are pushing hundreds of incest in number compared with the normal population continues to fall behind? Or has failed, perhaps because the win, the experiment 'Internet' with which it was hoped that new knowledge in relation to group networks, and we still have more control - more and more people use the Internet as a source of information and contact from the propaganda machine from television. We will always be less easy to control.

is why the elites have set a target to reduce the population. If this is not done voluntarily, it must be forced upon us precisely. John Holdren, a close associate of Barack Obama, a so-called 'Science Csar', already proposed in the 80 years before in his book 'Ecoscience' to sterilize the population by coercive measures. Examples should be provided drinking water supplies with sterilizing agents or young girls at puberty, forced birth control to be planted under the skin that could be removed only after the application and examination of the relevant authorities.

In the UK, currently forced sterilizations are under discussion. Under the guise of the child's welfare should only be affected by drug addicts, as they anyway could not take care of their children. The first drug has had to sterilize it - we offered him a sum of 200 pounds , and he agreed. What is currently voluntary nor should soon be enacted as a sanction. If the law is first displayed, you can expect that it will be extended soon to other population groups. Julian Huxley, brother of Aldous Huxley and the first director of UNESCO was of the opinion: 'unemployment should be a reason for be sterilized. " If this criterion be introduced only once, it will affect very many people. Another reason for forced sterilization could be soon and mental health. And as Bertrand Russell at the beginning of the last century in his book 'The scientific age' writes the criterion sanity will one day be interpreted so narrowly that more people would be considered mentally abnormal - another reason for forced sterilization.

It is therefore urgent that the pseudo-cult of global warming to renounce to use his common human understanding that hour, and to find reasonable. Bill Gates speaks very public that vaccines are to be used to reduce the population. A century of vaccination usher he wants, with vaccines would be administered by spraying. The propaganda does not stop in front of children. Means brutal videos, in which children are threatened with murder, should not be inspired to reduce their CO2 trace, have recently made the rounds. Meanwhile, even the bona fide needs but understand at last that something is wrong, and to what extent we are being lied to for decades.

It's not about the money noble nature. On the contrary, its members are the first to ravage the nature of greed. They are concerned about reducing humanity to a figure in which it is easier to control. It's not enough that you zuschüttet us with chemicals and propaganda. No, they want us dead, because we have fulfilled our purpose. The automation has progressed, that you hardly even need workers. On the scientific one will also allow anyone the normal population on the part of elites repeatedly spoken of a "priesthood". The priests will join you'll get just with the race. For everyone else here is admittance.

We must
us against the massive climate change laws and defend against the CO2 tax, and now though, while we still have a roof over their head and enough money to give us at least to survive. We must do everything to educate our people about the relationships and the dangers. Most people pushing these issues, probably from Anst away simply because they feel powerless. Powerless as we are all but only have given up because too many people. If successful, it could put enough people from the dark machinations of the elites in knowledge, we would be enough to defend ourselves, and once and for all the supremacy of those who are using the money system control to an end.

Rise like lions after slumber
fall in numbers Unvanquishable
Shake your chains to earth like dew Which in
sleep has on you -
Ye are many - they are few.
Percy Shelley

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Sunday, October 24, 2010

Cakes Ideas For Mom's Birthday

'Eyes Wide Shut 'and the morbid world of the rich and powerful

The plot

Stanley Kubrick's last film to be developed by Arthur Schnitzler's book "The Dream Story." I know the Book does not assume, however, that there is only a superficial background story behind the occult practices, as in the upper social strata of the United States take place obviously, are revealed. Who is not the symbolism knows is asleep, in the film, the background story is not particularly exciting, and it is to speak uninitiated drags slowly, an almost, while those who have the misfeatures our world and its causes already busy, and the the occult references that are made here, understand, likely sit with open mouth against high voltage front of the screen or the screen.

The film is set in New York and is about a couple who is on Christmas Eve for a party obviously immensely wealthy Mr. Zigler invited. What is the relationship the couple to the patron, is unclear. As can be concluded from a conversation of the couple, they are not really friends with him, but there are probably business relations between him and the male protagonist Bill Herford (played by Tom Cruise). After a brief dance together at the party apologizes to the female protagonist Alice (played by Nicole Kidman) so that it would urgently to the toilet.

The two split up and he now welcomes an old college friend named Nightinggale who now works as a pianist and has an appearance at the party. This he calls the restaurant where he currently works and invites him to visit him there once. Alice however, move to the buffet, where she first falls down a glass of champagne on a train, and then another. As demonstrated in other scenes of the film, it is alcohol, pills and drugs very attached.
rejects tipsy Clearly it is now at the buffet table, where a mysterious Hungarian is aware of her, takes her to a dance and makes her unique erotic offerings.

do Bill (Tom Cruise) has now fallen into the clutches of two young women who claim to be former patients to be of him, and remember very well his charming treatments. For example, maintains one of them, it was on 'Rockefeller Plaza' flown a speck in the eye, whereupon he handed her a cavalier way even clean handkerchief. He is clearly fascinated by both intense and flirts with them. They invite him up to the "end of the rainbow" to come with them.

During his flirting, he was suspended, as the servant of the house asking him to come to Mr. Ziggler and it appears in one of the many Sleeping rooms of the house leads. Bill finds there remains a completely naked young woman who is bewusstslos. He manages to bring them out of their consciousness, while the landlord is still trying to get dressed. Bill warns strongly against the woman to continue to give their drug addiction, because that would mean their early death.

At home, it comes between the couple to argue. Alice is jealous. She has Bill, observing how he flirted with the two women and finds that her Bill is much too safe. Therefore, she confesses to him that she had met during the joint honeymoon a naval officer, in which they are so in love, that she would have to rely on a single word out of his side, her husband immediately.

The confession Bill falls into a deep crisis. He walks aimlessly through the streets, gets involved with prostitutes, and visits his former classmates Nightingale, the pianist, he has taken on the Weihnachstparty. This tells him that he did not have time right now, unfortunately, because he still had a job but do not know where and for whom. His instructions, he always get only very short term, while the performances he always play with a blindfold. The blindfold was slipped to him once, and it was He saw great insane women. The interested again Bill, which is obviously a great lover of women, and is also still going through a marital crisis is enormous. It manages to persuade his former classmates and current pianist, tell him the time and place of the event, and also the password that you would get on the property. Moreover, says Nightinggale, it was necessary to mask for the party.

Bill can not be put off, still looking in the night at a costume rental, which he, despite the late hour - brings an extra charge to give him even a costume. He also learns the minor daughter the lender know that the father, he comes to an unexpected time in the shop, with two older men caught naked behind a cupboard.

Bill does now on the way to the party that takes place in a building that would be described as a castle. Bill replaces the wrought iron gate, called the password and is admitted. A masked servant opens the door to the castle and has his way. We hear eerie music and the chanting of a male voice that recites in an incomprehensible language, which seems to come from hell, monotonous verses. Bill reaches a room with many masked men in black robes. On the gallery even more are dressed in black people, including a couple that you could possibly think a dark royal couple

All eyes are on the scene in the middle of the room, with a red carpet lined, and in the waves a figure in a red cape an incense container. Black-clad figure kneeling circle around them. When she loudly with a stick on the floor beats and bows, the figures set in a pose of absolute subjection to the ground. In a further beating of a priest they are addressed again. Later in this bizarre scene they get up and throw off their cloaks. They are almost naked, and now we see that they are women. You kneel down again, and at the direction of the priest kissing two of them against each other symbolically on the cheek. Finally, they get up and look in each one of the men standing around and then go with the other in a room.

One of the women goes directly to Bill. They walk together along a corridor that leads into a series of rooms. In each room will be held sex orgies. On large tables operate some party participants sexual practices, while others are silent and regunglos around it and the scenes . Watch In any normal human being both the music and the strange orgies performed by participants, their identity and their feelings completely covered by the masks would be likely to trigger an immediate flight reflex. Not so with Bill, however, although his companion, who seems to have recognized him, strongly warns against any longer to stay at the party.
Finally it becomes clear that he was recognized. He was asked in the reception room where he had of the high priest, who had completed the initial ritual is encouraged to unmask himself, and take their clothes off. But before he goes to the final collar, offers the woman who had asked him to go to, to sacrifice herself for him. The warning about everything he saw, to remain silent, it eventually allowed to go.

In the second half of the film we experience a slightly different bill. What he has seen makes him somewhat to create.
As in a mirror the events of the night before now seem backwards to laufen.Unter opposite sign meet him again all the figures of the previous day.

First, he must return his costume. So he goes back to the costume rental, to leave his things. Again we encounter the minor daughter and the two old men from the night before. But this time the father is not so angry because the men have indeed previously paid for the pleasure with her - with him. Against an appropriate charge, he offers his daughter now also Bill.

Bill is now looking to his friend and pianist Nightinggale - and learns that this was the night before, picked up by two unknown men. The prostitute the night before is no longer there, and opened her friend Bill, they will not come back. She was terminally ill with AIDS. Finally, Bill reads in the newspaper, that the woman who has sacrificed himself on the eve of him, died of a drug overdose.

The next day, he tried several times to get into the property - and you can send him a letter by warning him against further investigation. When he was but does not stop, and goes to the morgue in order to ascertain what led to the death of the woman, a former beauty queen, asks him to Zigler, who hosted the Christmas party, much to himself. He reveals to him to have seen him in the rituals at the castle. Again, he warns him strongly against the matter further to get to the bottom. The woman, from an overdose had died, did you not kill, so Zigler - had been all but set the scene only to scare him. He should also nothing to worry about it - it was just a junkie, he had already seen the night before because he had treated her at the Christmas party. And the pianist nothing had happened, but he was brought in for a job in another place. "These were not ordinary people there yesterday. Be glad you do not know who else was there, otherwise you could not at night to sleep. "he warns. An indication that this is very high-ranking members of society is - to which Bill, trozt all wealth and all the pageantry - not heard. Even as his identity was discovered at the castle, it was clear - he did not want to have there.

Bill goes home. His wife is still asleep and when he sees on the pillow next to her the mask, which he rented from the costume shop and found it since, he breaks down. His wife wakes up and tells him that she had a dream about him. She tells him a scene similar to the one he had seen the night before in the various rooms of the castle. He then told her what he has experienced. Their daughter wakes up and she let on anything and they go to a Christmas shopping. Alice's recipe against marriage crisis at the end reads: "We should f ***"

My thoughts on the film


First, it is striking, in which immense riches Bill (Tom Cruise) lives. He, his wife and daughter live in a very big house with huge rooms. As a viewer you can not really explain where this wealth comes from. Bill is indeed a doctor, even if doctors earn quite well, seems his home for the small family sized fully. The equipment looks old-fashioned. There are pillars and columns and red curtains the royal lily as a symbol. The researcher looks at the name of Bill Bentkowski a word game. Unfortunately, he does not say what he means by this word game. Bill in English is not only the abbreviation of a male first name, but also means "account". Perhaps we are dealing with an allusion to some kind of corruption. The origin of his wealth could be guessed in its connection with Mr. Zigler, who has invited him to the Christmas party. On the feast of the Zigler he makes to his wife on the question of the basis of the invitation, a suggestion - that was the reward for 'home visits'.

was perhaps invited Bill to a doctor for emergencies in the Close to have to you can turn normal, the silence preserved about that the American aristocracy of money around at Christmas with drug-addicted young women. Perhaps his silence may be called for in terms of very strange sexual practices that might cause a young woman because of the pain that they or because of their abnormality, endured with drugs. Towards the end of the film we learn that it was the woman to a famous beauty queen - the price of fame was probably bought expensive ...

We all know that the actor Tom Cruise not a giant - all it should only 1.62 meters tall be. We also know that it is possible to hide the difference in body size of the main character and the people around him - in other films, we find it so also does not like small Tom Cruise really is. In Eyes Wide Shut, he looks even smaller than his own wife. This, with its still relatively young age makes him a very immature, and the more inadequate we feel the richness with which he surrounds himself. Downright puerile act his attempts to buy the services of his fellow men to do with money as he almost throws around.

his immaturity and his arrogance are also manifested, as it refers to the ritual of the Party Castle creeps. Any other man would notice that something is wrong - indeed, dangerous to be a! But Bill, although the person to be somewhat disconcerted by the events, seems to have eyes only for the half-naked women. His adventurous spirit and his instincts have it so under control that he was also the dire warnings of his companion and eventual savior as soon as possible to leave the castle, without hesitation strikes in the wind.


Alice, the name of the main character, is probably an allusion to the children's book 'Alice in Wonderland' by Lewis Carroll . In Carroll's book is lost, the main figure behind the mirror of her bedroom closet, where she is in 'Wonderland'. Pedophile rings and clubs often refer to the Wonderland - like the so-called 'Wonderland Club' which was discovered some years ago by the police. More and more atrocities occurred in recent years to the surface - such as rape of minors. More and more victims report having been abused already in infancy, such as a certain Cathy O'Brien, the claims to the CIA by her father, who already as an infant abused had to have been released for a mind-controlled programming.

rape of so young children will cause the affected victims a split consciousness - schizophrenia, ie, the splitting of the personality in many different parts. And indeed, all female characters appear in the film 'Eyes Wide Shut' a as the various factions of the same character, Alice, who hides in the day behind a pair of glasses and her housewife life, the night is probably present in other similar events, such as that in which her husband has lost his way on Christmas Eve. Sun is like for example the movement, with Alice at the very beginning of the movie her dress fall in the home of the couple to the ground leaves to get changed for the Christmas party is similar to striking manner the movement of women who leave the entrance ritual for the sex party, at which they are likely to serve as sex slaves, drop their clothing .


According to Kent Daniel Bentkowski located the property on which the scenes of Sexkultes were filmed in England in a village in an area largely responsible for their Satanism berüchigten family should include Rothschild .
The red color of the priest at the consecration ritual is point out that it is the support to the members of a particular bloodline . The same can be way too over the red carpet of the Academy Awards to say, strutting about the stars in general lightning storm of photographers and general In the sky of the population, to introduce yourself - many of the most famous stars are related to U.S. politicians, and this in turn can look back on a long line of affinities with the European aristocracy. It is just all in the family - to draw both the policy and the seduction and programming of the population to those in the desired direction. The way
could also be an indication of why Bill did not include in the film 'Eyes Wide Shut' in the occult circle - because he have no family relations to the people present can, it is undesirable despite Liebdienerei. Only paid prostitutes may still take parts in events.

interesting about the scene are also the masks, which were invented in the Middle Ages the Venetian nobility to - so Bentkowsi Daniel Kent - of ordinary people and spreading fear. According to Dr. John Coleman called the Venetian nobility in the general population 'black aristocracy', because it was leaked that the 'elites' of the country were trained in the occult and sinister practices. According to Coleman, it is in Britain to give a so-called "Venetian Party", composed of the nobles of the country. This corresponds with the assertion of researcher David Icke, the Venetian nobility had in the last millennium gradually throughout Europe and also to spread to England. could the historian Webster Griffin Tarpley is the British Empire did a remake of the Venetian trading power, which spread in the Middle Ages by the military and double-entry bookkeeping in the banking industry more and more.

Against this background, one could actually think it's possible that it in the U.S. and probably also with us are sinister and criminal networks that show us the day the face of respectable society member and engaged at night strange rituals, and criminal activities such as the rape of children. Just recently I received a round-mail in which I was asked to sign a letter in which the Hilton hotel chain is asked to provide not continue their hotels for dubious group sex parties with minors available.

The recent emergence of more and more scandals shed new light on our unusual 'elites', whether they originate from the nobility and the alleged felons Dutroux were related or whether it's our spiritual leader, for example, from the Catholic Church is.

As can keep secret the crimes apparently not on the line, you have probably thought of a new strategy to maintain public confidence in the existing system maintained. The media, especially television, have discovered the issue, and behind the mask of the index finger is outraged the public appear to be desensitized by various TV shows in the evening program. One or the other politicians used the issue then also to distinguish themselves or to introduce data protection laws questionable Internet blocking - that this is once again members of the aristocracy, is certainly a coincidence.

is apparently not enough that one as a normal average person wants to understand the history, wants to know how we got where we are today, with the biggest criminals in history, with its employ biography, her life, her Wehwechen must, while people died by the thousands and millions on the battlefields. The sexual perversions of social class, that manages to keep yourself always pretty in the dark, while we systematically incite against each fall gradually over on us. Probably it was always like this, and the widespread impact we see in the crime statistics, which we can read, how many are former victims into perpetrators. But while the past everything left in the dark and shame and amnesia of those affected have often prevented a detection, it is probably now on diminutive, belittlement and blunting.

It is hoped that this strategy will not succeed long term ...

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