Thursday, October 28, 2010

Encouraging Words In French For Haiti

Bankenrun in France?

The French want the 7th December all the money from private banks withdraw - is the source of that message did not specify in the article - the message comes from a French daily newspaper, a French television show, from any insider sources, or from where?

An interesting idea is in any case. For what are the banks without the money of their depositors? As for the award of credit (the creation of new money literally out of nothing), deposits are necessary, the banks are probably no new lending more. Without new loans, because of the double-entry bookkeeping, deposits shrink even further and push the banks into bankruptcy. But the collapse came before - probably, banks will have to close their doors during this campaign, because they have so much cash do not - we know that the money that one has on his savings or other account exists not to big parts. Really wanted all depositors withdraw their money at once, the bank has to close its doors because it does not have much money. Suffice it actually has, if representations are too many customers - because a bank has in fact only a fraction of the money it credited to its customers on the account. In times like these, the whole fraud of our financial system is revealed.
The action could make waves in Europe, where now stand out in other European countries, the citizens of their money from private banks.

We here in Germany, according Wilhelm Hankel, a three-pillar model - consisting of private banks, public Banks and cooperative banks. According to Mr. Hankel was the 500-billion rescue package that we are now in the payable interest on the loans in a rapid increase brought the debt, which will grow explosively in the coming years (according to the exponential growth equation, the 500 billion already on a very high level has begun) completely unnecessary, as the savings banks and cooperative banks as well as the many thousands of smaller banks from the private sector, our economy is very easy with the necessary money could provide - even without the banking giant Hypo Real Estate, Commerzbank etc. It would be quite a good idea if private bank customers their money from the 'rescued transferring banks' at least in some of the other bank would.

has, however, a private bank not only money of small private investors, but also large amounts of money from very wealthy private clients - but needs to pay it this very high interest rates and it remains to be seen whether a private bank can do it, this returns apply, without the money of their other small investors who actually - if holding a job - still working for their money (or have worked), and either on their current account the bank completely free of interest or a savings account with savings rates that are far below the actual inflation are, for Rental provides.

Whether the action be the trigger for the collapse of the global financial system in France can be an interesting question whose answer I do not trust me. I assume that the French government will put together some bank rescue package to secure the shareholders of the banks and the depositors with the major asset their returns.
World trade is also still more in dollar terms, so that the world population will be forced to the purchase of dollars it needs for international trade in goods, continue to mitzubezahlen the American inflation. And last but not least there are the international tax havens like the Cayman Islands or Switzerland, where big money investors can invest their hard-earned assets from other completely tax free. According to Michel Chossudovsky estimated "... the IMF the assets of groups and individuals in tax havens to an estimated 5.5 trillion dollars, a sum that amounts to 25 percent of total world income ..." (from 1996)

big winner could therefore ultimately exempt havens like the Cayman Islands or countries like Switzerland should be, the huge money to invest their money as part of a Europe-wide banking panic there . Transfer Would her world economy could be driven by the supply of money from these tax-free havens like?

All this is still in the stars. In any case, however, shows the action of the French, that many people there have already thought about the financial system and recognized as the cause of our present problems. It is hoped that this knowledge spread more and more about Europe and all over the world.

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