Friday, January 7, 2011

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'Gate Keeper' for critics of climate change

who drew hope that the 'pardon Klimaerwärmungs'lüge' Klimawandel'lüge finally comes to the critical test, has probably made a mistake.

In the U.S. House of Representatives, the majority shifted in favor of the Republicans, so the Democrat Barrack Obama in the future, probably with more have to expect resistance. At the forefront of reform opponents, is as in this article is , a man named Fred Upton, who wants to take action against the new emission rules. He is supported here by a certain John Shimkus, who does not believe in global warming, because - and here's - do not allow God to destroy the earth. John Shimkus seems to think it to be able to prove this with quotations from the Bible.

Thank you dear, dear wife and TAZ Passenheim that you people can think for themselves, and do not believe any propaganda, religious nutcases throw in a pot. And I have nothing against people who believe in Bible verses, although I myself am not religious. Bible verses should be left in a scientific debate, however, sidelined. It would not be necessary to counter with Bible verses. And anyway, John Shimkus has said so because in general, how you present it?

there really enough credible people, especially scientists in this field who doubt man-made climate change and can give very good and scientific explanations. They do not need to cite Bible verses and leave the 'prefer Glaubens'frage those who have the Klimawandelpropagandisten that no serious have scientific evidence of their questionable assumptions follow want.

really should of course everyone can believe what he wants, because I'm quite tolerant. But it is on the climate change issue so that the consequences of this heresy, the introduction of a 'green economy' will be depleted in the majority of mankind, and even starvation, whereas the major sources of pollution (mind you: Pollution is not yet climate change!) continue to fly in their private jets around the globe and operate in the basement are heated pools.

this way, a few examples Critics of faith that do not Bible verses ...


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