Thursday, February 17, 2011

20 Ultrasound Enlarged Stomach

The Valentine's Day-ization of women

We are pleased to be able to present our first guest article: The

On Valentine's Day "Women" proclaimed that "women" want: They want to candlelight dinners and spa do you know that you know their Favorite tea and reads them every wish of his lips and then they still want to decorate houses.

Franziska Schutzbach

Barack Obama is an R Oman cians. He thinks of all the birthdays and wedding anniversaries, and Valentine's Day he gives his wife's jewelry. This is exactly what Michelle Obama wants to . All men should be, which advises the First Lady to take her to Barack is an example, with jewelry on Valentine's Day because you can not go wrong. The best packed in hearts or strawberries shaped boxes. Next to couples, to keep the love going, be romantic, laugh together and: be romantic.

What's wrong with the power of Michelle Obama? Where the hell is a successful lawyer who graduated (Princeton!) graduated with a thesis on the situation of blacks on campus? Where is the woman who gave during the election campaign statements critical of patriotism and her husband made it clear publicly that he is also a President had continued to care for children and household?

latest with the romance-in-White House interview on Valentine's Day, the world has the self-conscious First Lady, where she wants them: in the cage of stuffed animals. First Ladies will ultimately make no policy, but an identification area are. For women. Specifically for women who collect teddy bears. For that is on Valentine's Day once again become clear with very clear: The public opinion about women is that they - like children - want nothing more than spoiled, blessed, be entertained and occupied.

femininity and adulthood are still considered to be incompatible, as the Best-selling author Barbara Ehrenreich in her book "Smile or Die" states. For example, women who develop breast cancer, obtained from the cancer organization "Libby Ross Foundation, a small suitcase with make-up things, a pink pillow case, mint chocolates and pencils. The crayons are there to paint, the organization, hopes and dreams (!). In the Cancer League "Pink Ribbon" can also solidarity teddy bears and Barbie-like little girl jewelry (silver ballerinas, hearts, angels) be purchased.

This paradise is not all cuddly about the faux pas of an inexperienced upstart marketing, the infantilization of women has a system. For one thing, except that men would probably hardly ever bothered with crayons and teddy bears, is to define the women again autograph-level not only a billion dollar business, but also a strategy that is diverted to the political struggles.

Political scientist regulators Stämpfli it brought recently to the point, as she criticized in her column the "generous anniversary presentation of" 40 years of Swiss women's suffrage in the women's magazine Annabelle: "painful anniversary stories suggest important historical struggles for freedom dead." Socio-political demands degenerate, right next to anti-aging and anti-cellulite Advertising, Recipes and Wellnesstips to pure comfort issue. Of course, the trivialization of women is not new, but it has achieved during the comprehensive victory march of lifestyle and wellness culture peaked.

What to do? A feminist post-Valentine's statement might be one that the appeal of Chris Rockers of pipe to the strunz brave-music star Kandidat_innen not unlike "Meh Draeck" (German: "More dirt!"). Or in other words, we defend ourselves against the tyranny of the last cuddly!


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