Friday, February 18, 2011

Diane35 Breast Growth

On 19 February in Dresden Together Against Nazis

meeting LEFT deputy from 8 clock in the Schwerin Street 50a

The parliamentary factions of the Left Party in Saxony, Thuringia and Hesse, Bundestag and European MPs of the Left and international guests from the Czech Republic and Poland will meet tomorrow, Saturday, 19 February 2010, from 8 in the common clock constituency office of Members of Parliament Dr. Edith Franke and the European Parliament Dr. Cornelia Ernst. The shop offices are located on the ground floor of Schwerin Street 50a, 01067 Dresden.

From there, the deputies, including the Saxon MEP LEFT Dr. Cornelia Ernst, Bundestag Vice President Petra Pau, the Bundestag MP and party leader Dr. Gesine Lötzsch, the chairman of DIE LINKE in the Hesse state parliament, Willi van Ooyen, Czech MEP Jaromír Kohlíček and the chairman of the Saxon Group THE LEFT Dr. Andrew Hahn, and Member of Parliament and Saxon state chairman of the Left Rico Gebhardt, go to other places. More information is available on site or by phone at the faction's spokesman, Marcel Braun: 0171 / 89 83 985th

No more war means never again fascism - that is the lesson from the destruction of Dresden 66 years ago. The Left MPs from near and far do with their presence on that day in the capital of Saxony the dedicated and courageous citizens that support the Nazis did not want to leave the city. For Dresden must not establish a place of Europe's largest Nazi march, this "tradition" must be terminated once and for all tomorrow!


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