Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Pattern Of Modern Dance

Is Manu in danger?

Make it Gold, Böttger!
letter to the AV of Adreas Graff

a perfectly proper and legitimate question. Who has not, after all, what was on the State Porcelain Manufactory to the public, be asked this question.
Is it any wonder, if from the chaos of managing messages, and these were partly to understand with considerable delays, the porcelain makers worried about the initiative "Manu is in danger?" Together.
There are artists and managers, almost all her life with her artistic gift with their abilities and skills with attention devoted to the refinement of white gold and even pay.
An initiative that grew on the ground of our constitutional democracy.
mature, responsible citizens try the values of our Constitution Saxon practice of democratic participation in the state for operation of the Free State.

They shone all the things that happened in the Manu in the year of 300th anniversary,
with her rich professional and life experience.

rename criticism and fear among other things, that the reproduction of artistic work capacity and thus the long-term existence of the State Porcelain Manufactory are not secured. Although it is pointed out in yesterday's article in the SZ on the current growth rate.

Above all, it leaves the initiative is not lacking in shrewd suggestions!
A good example, "The bosses know and can do everything better" to the old pigtail cut off at last.
How happy we would Meissner on the slogan of the future:
Exemplary management of the state enterprise, the State Porcelain Manufactory Meissen is under participation in the workforce and the way their seniors to continue to support the 300-year Meissner Porcelain in its tradition of manufacturing and the modern.

Andreas Graff
City Council Meissen


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