Friday, February 25, 2011

Pokemon Shiny Gold Hints

The job market - for job seekers to travel to Jerusalem ...

Do you know yet the game from childhood, which was often played at children's birthday parties and other occasions? It provides a set of chairs with the backs against each other. It pays you that there is always one chair less than participants in the game. It plays the music stops without notice. All throw themselves on the chairs and try to get hold of one of the seats. A game player remains and is out of play, the other the next round. This continues until someone wins.

transfer we now on the labor market.

Why no one mentioned, neither the media nor the parties in the real cause of unemployment?

Actually it's quite simple. There are too few jobs. The reasons for this are varied, ranging from saving measures of public finances to the emission from the governments of the last decade of deflation, so the lack of money in circulation. It had shareholders and allows other owners of large financial investment to have a lot more money than they need to then the useless zurückzuleihen to the accounts of lying about a medium of exchange for interest and compound interest again.

But we still remain once the labor market: the fact is: The number of jobseekers is ten times higher than the number of vacancies!

I am aware that these are just approximate values - because not every job is unemployed and far from any vacancy shall be awarded on the consortiums and right, and not any vacant space that the consortium in their statistics out, is actually to occupy too. Nevertheless, it should be clear by what sizes we have to do here.

the sake of clarity, we want to replicate this scenario, once on our game from childhood. Only here does not revolve around 10 participants 9 chairs, but 10 students to a chair. Get out of the music, and all rush out to win and remain a ninth An order of magnitude higher 100 people revolve around 10 chairs and 90 are left. Or suppose, 1,000 participants circle around 100 chairs - then left over 900th The whole can then be extrapolated to be registered with the number of registered unemployed offziziellen is plus 1-euro jobs and raise it.

No matter how much effort the participants - the number of those that remain, will never change so! The only thing that can change, and may be the composition of the winner or loser.

Apparently, these simple calculations that can reproduce every primary school children, out of sheer media brainwashing pushed into the background.

And now comes the big-dollar question: Where are your beautiful more jobs created when the workers are taking away more of their content, and those who have flown the first out of the game, shortened its services and is under increasing pressure? Can anyone me 9 times our cunning politicians, me, any officer from the Labour Office to give an answer to this simple question?

They probably have not. The answer is to take will be set up so no jobs, quite the opposite! In that less and less money circulating, which can be spent, the economy is suffering from deflation. The prices always have to go down, and produce more and cheaper labor force must always be more.

It should not be denied that many companies and especially companies are the aid of the excuse that they could not, for reasons of competitive pay for the work to enrich disproportionately.
But nevertheless, neither by continuous cuts, nor so much pressure being exerted on job seekers, upfront more jobs, but less and less money circulating in the economic circuit, which can buy and it is only logical that a total of more and more people must be dismissed.

one has understood this all, the whole debate is simply laziness obsolete. Interesting! It may be that there are people who are lazy - And so what! But they should stay home and not work. All the better if they want to leave the work to those who want just been working. Let them lie quietly in the social hammock, they should be at the top much more convenient! Because that would mean that employers would just pay more according to the workers to lure him into her company - and would also flow more money into the welfare funds.

much you have to understand the economy once in order to understand these simple relationships can - meet a little common sense and simple mental arithmetic.

Instead, many people have their brains appear to be lodged at the policy and the TVs that can relieve them of the thoughts and actions so that they remain even to sit quietly on the couch and some poor people to blame for the constant ebb in her purse and the constant stress may be at work.

So it is indeed much more convenient for two reasons - you can assign the responsibility for the dire situation of many people in this country who do not even have enough to eat, beautiful in itself and yet at the same time, even in the sky lift, because you so much for so little money working for his exploiters ...

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