Sunday, February 20, 2011

Removing A Thule Rack

Who is Princess Hijab?

a terrorist goes to Paris. Their weapon: black shoe polish. These are the self-proclaimed "visual terrorist" Princess Hijab, since 2006 in Paris Fashion Posters and promotion a chador or burqa painted over. It thus takes these symbols that gave rise to debates about religious fundamentalism and sexism are in the public space. But who is the manager or Künstler_in and how can these actions be understood?

"Hijabisierung" she calls this process of concealing the body of the Paris fashion walls. A symbolism? Yes, with a few strokes of color, it creates a lot - for example, means the Muslimah Media Watch :
Princess Hijab explores notions of space and possible types of representation, contrasting the normative representations of the public sphere with her personal iconoclastic approach [...] She is known for her subversive work within the public space and for her "DIY" and "grrl" attitude.
And further says the Guerillera myself: I would say
my work is inspired from the anti-consumerist movements. I'm hijabist on advertising. In other words, I cover all advertising with a black veil, Which is a dark symbol, a reference on pop culture, and a way to elegantly hide advertising. It is therefore a study on territories and identities.
Princess Hijab also says, they act independently of religious or political motivation, and use these guerrilla tactics as a code that is to be filed by the Betrachter_innen itself. Although we would like to know (what it than as a "political motivation" call, when she would not have this), it has probably reached a goal that we - shall reflect, to talk about them and ask - quite fascinating, nota bene. Well, we try to classify: The symbol "headscarf" on promotional posters: guerrilla art, religion, advertising, Glamour, and perhaps even einbisschen critique of capitalism and feminism - or is it just wishful thinking mixed with guerrilla romance and hope, if it were the exposed subversive potential ?

We know '- but puzzled at the next beer more clear and to seeing what's coming so ...


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