Tuesday, February 22, 2011

The Organizations That Help People In Need

Doktorspielchen: Dr. lying. BC Guttenberg Guttenberg

Dr. Guttenberg continue lying.

Yesterday, Dr. Guttenberg has been facilitated and confirmed his decision on Friday to be correct, cause not a PhD.

moment. On Friday, Dr. Guttenberg nor explicitly emphasized the urgent need to have the title no longer strictly temporary.

Dr. Guttenberg? Yes! Because actually you can not take a doctorate. This is not even when the work was awarded to Dr. Guttenberg that degree now and not as scientifically prove the degree of doctor would be enough.

There is only one way for Dr. Guttenberg, Dr. release it again, and that's when he gets him removed because he demonstrably at work, consciously and cheated in a culpable extent and has lied.

that Dr. Guttenberg now his University of Bayreuth asks him to take the title can only mean two things: First,

: Dr. Guttenberg has determined that he not keep his doctorate because of his deceit and lies can be. A clear admission of guilt. However well disguised, how many copied passages in his dissertation. This is not about mistakes, but the deceitful fraudulent acquisition of the highest academic degree.

Second, Dr. Guttenberg wants it the University Bayreuth save you the exact reasons for that But knowing the doctoral degree awarded to explain wide. The Internet can now read what everyone has been copied and how bold. Meanwhile, was discovered on 73% of all pages should be plagiarism. Plays well camouflaged, sometimes since written off as brash. Especially the veiled copies are the ones who cost forced the Dr.. For here is obvious that the author consciously and deliberately made to foreign goods unlawfully and fraudulently own has.

The author ... this is the last big question. Who's it written now? Dr. Guttenberg is certainly not, because otherwise he would have the degree of vertigo previously known and it would not only read up on weekends. A professional ghostwriter certainly not. They do their work professionally and usually good, not so amateurish.

An interesting chain of evidence is based on Hans Carlos Hoffman in his blog. [1] - Read!

Those who think that the Pirate Party but Dr. Guttenberg could not blame just because of these copies, is wrong. The Pirate Party is committed to open access to scientific work on (Open Access). This would make it even much easier to detect plagiarism. The Pirate Party rejects intellectual property theft and fraud from knitting. Why Dr. Guttenberg is certainly not a pirate, but a Blender windy and fraudsters, Andreas Popp puts in his blog dar. [2]

It is time that we cut off the doctor not only the academic degree, but it also removed from the government.

[1] http://c-hofmann.blogspot.com/2011/02/ist-stephanie-freifrau-von-und-zu.html
[2] http://web .piratenpartei.de/110218-Warum-Guttenberg-kein-Pirat-ist


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