Monday, February 14, 2011

What Is Charriol Bracelet

Hartz IV currently

"Tillich Hartz IV must be from the viewers' role out and work for over half a million people in Saxony "

André Hahn, Chairman of the Group of The Left in the Saxony state parliament

should Saxony's Prime Minister finally act instead of talking about: For six weeks in Saxony alone withheld over half a million of Hartz IV affected people a constitutional Hartz-IV-rule set - by the Federal Constitutional Court deadline expires for the end of 2010. For this lawless state of CDU / CSU and FDP contribute their embarrassing insistence on a rule-set increase at five € responsibility. This also applies to the black-yellow coalition in Saxony, which yesterday noticeable with the rejection of the urgency of our request "Significantly Increase in the Hartz-IV-rule-set decision - decision of the Constitutional Court of 9 has catapulted February 2010 finally realize "from among the actors.

It is good that the SPD and Greens push for minimum wages for time work, but the core problem must not lose sight of the field: According to calculations by the Diakonia is the need for a rule set of at least € 433 instead of 364 € for a single adult. This is the minimum that should be for the Free State of Saxony make as much as for a statutory minimum wage in Germany and the enforcement of the principle of "equal pay for equal work" at work in time from the first day.

reflects today's press reports of the President by a strange understanding of government: Lord sees Tillich apparently only as Dresdner viewer who commented on the events in faraway Berlin. I urge the Prime Minister to step out of the spectator role, to go to the political arena and there, finally to defend vigorously the interests of the people of Saxony, which are as long-term unemployed or low incomes rely on Hartz IV.


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