Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Pain In Right Arm And Headaches

Dresden, 19 February 2011

State Executive Committee The Left calls for a fresh demonstration on

extreme right across Europe mobilized for 19 February 2011 after a march in Dresden. The parade, which was prevented last year for the first time successfully, has in recent years, the largest, regularly scheduled meeting of old and neo-Nazis developed.

Jens foolish , member of the Board THE LEFT. Saxony, said:
"The Left Saxon calls on all democratic forces to participate in the diverse, colorful and peaceful protest against the planned Nazi march on 02.19.2011 in Dresden We as a LEFT the Alliance.." Dresden Nazi free! ".

Antje Feiks , Country Director of the Left Saxony adds:
" has already been shown last Sunday in Dresden that Wegbeauflagungen the Alliance "Dresden Nazi-free "is not part of the Dresden city administration to the other end of the city, the citizens deters Nazis confront directly.
are also on 19 February 2011, we show as left common with many other thousands of people face and be there to Europe's largest Nazi rally to prevent common and peaceful.
long the goal of effective prevention of Nazi rallies is also in much of the population arrived, symbolic acts are not enough.
We call on the police and Government to act in this coming Saturday and also in the run cooperatively and to allow expression of good will within sight and earshot. The Alliance "Dresden Nazi-free "is supported by a range of social actors."

for the arrival of the protests were organized in cooperation with associations and anti-fascist groups buses to Dresden. For more current information, please see the website

are here published for individual scenarios (Main Railway middle breakpoint Freiberger road and the railway station Dresden-Neustadt) sketches, to facilitate the arrival or the march.


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